Dr. Van Huong LE

email: levanhuong15011989@gmail.com

A Visiting Research Scholar at the University of Wyoming, USA.

About me

Currently, I am a visiting scholar in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Wyoming. I obtained my doctorate degree in Applied Geostatistics in the Graduate Program in Earth Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico. The title of my doctoral thesis is ”Copula-based modeling for petrophysical property prediction using seismic attributes as secondary variables”. My main research interest is developing copula-based linear and nonlinear dependency relationship models for spatial stochastic simulations of natural phenomena in Earth Sciences.

Firstly, my professional qualification has been considerably acquired by studying around the world. In particular, I was the highest grade freshman in the Faculty of Geology at Hanoi University of Geology and Mining, and I won the bronze medal at the National Student Mathematics Olympiad in Vietnam. I obtained a Bachelor degree with distinction as the most outstanding foreign student of the University in Cuba. I obtained my doctorate degree with the Honorable Mention in Mexico. Currently, I am a visiting scholar in USA and collaborating with Dr. Dario Grana in conducting research on Bayesian and geostatistical inversion. I have also enrolled in a wide range of courses and conferences in Statistics, Geophysics, Geology, Geosciences and Earth Sciences in Vietnam, Cuba, Mexico, and USA.

I have more than 5-years of pertinent experience conducting research in Applied Geostatistics in Earth Sciences. For example, since 2016 I have been working as an assistant to my tutor in his research projects at the Mexican Institute of Petroleum, Mexico. On the other hand, I was doing PhD projects which focus on the application of the copula-based dependency pattern recognition models for petrophysical property prediction using elastic seismic attributes as secondary variables.

Main Research Interests:

  • Geostatistical (spatial stochastic) simulation based on copulas and global optimization methods (simulated annealing, differential evolution).
  • Integration methodology of different quantitative and qualitative information based on advanced geostatistical methods for reservoir characterization.
  • Inverse theory and optimization: Bayesian and geostatistical inversion.
  • Machine learning with a deep understanding of geostatistical analysis.
  • Petrophysical seismic inversion based on advanced geostatistical methods and quantification of uncertainty.
  • Rock physics.


2017-2021: National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico. Ph.D. Applied Geostatistics 2015-2016: National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico. M.Sc. Applied Geostatistics 2009-2014: University of Pinar del Rio, Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca, Cuba. B.Sc. Geological Engineering


2016-Now: He has been a teaching assistant of Geostatistics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico (http://www.esmg-mx.org/activities/courses/geoestadistica).

2021: He is one of the professors who teaches the course “Geostatistics applied to the estimation of mineral resources (GAERM)” in the online learning platform “Nube Minera” (https://nubeminera.cl/course/gaerm/ ).

2020: He taught Spanish and Vietnamese languages at the University of Wyoming (http://www.uwyo.edu/wlcp/index.html).

2009-2011: He was a teaching assistant of General Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics III, and Algebra at the University of Pinar del Rio, Cuba (https://www.upr.edu.cu/ ).


  1. Papers in preparation: (1) “C-vine parametric copula-based multivariate dependency model for joint petrophysical property simulation conditioned by elastic attributes”, (2) “D-vine quantile regression models for petrophysical property estimation using elastic seismic attributes as secondary variables”, (3) “Kernel copula-based multivariate dependency relationship model for stochastic spatial simulations of petrophysical properties”, (4) “Bernstein copula-based multivariate dependency model for stochastic spatial simulations of petrophysical properties”, (5) “Conditional stochastic simulation of petrophysical properties with elastic attributes using dependency models based on parametric copulas with a Bayesian approach”, and (6) “Joint geostatistical seismic inversion based on copula dependence models of petrophysical properties and elastic attributes”.

  2. He successfully presented his thesis and published it in the library of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, 2021 (Thesis link).

  3. He presented the work of “A comparison between convolutional neural networks (Deep Learning method) and Bernstein copula quantile regression (Geostatistical method) for petrophysical property prediction from seismic data” in the Annual Meeting of The Mexican Chapter of Interpore (RACMI 2021) (cmi.imta.mx/paginas/racmi2021.php).

  4. The recognition of his work as the best doctoral work in the area of Solid Earth presented at the congress of the annual meeting of the Mexican Geophysical Union (RAUGM 2020) (https://www.raugm.org.mx/?lang=en).

  5. He presented the work of “Multivariate copula-based model for predicting petrophysical properties using seismic attributes as secondary variables” in the annual meeting of the Mexican geophysical union (2020), Jalisco, Mexico (https://www.raugm.org.mx/?lang=en ).

  6. He was a co-author of the work “Prediction of petrophysical properties from dependency models based on copulas of seismic attributes in oil fields” of a conference at the Seminar of the Institute of Geology, UNAM, 2020 (Video conference link).

  7. Van Huong Le, Martín A. Díaz-Viera, Daniel Vázquez-Ramírez, Raúl del Valle-García, Arturo Erdely, and Dario Grana, “Bernstein copula-based spatial cosimulation for petrophysical property prediction conditioned to elastic attributes”. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 193 (2020) 107382. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2020.107382)

  8. His work of “A Prediction of the Spatial Distribution of Petrophysical Properties with Bernstein Copula using Seismic Attributes as Secondary Variables” was selected for the presentation poster in 10th Annual Meeting and Jubilee Conference of InterPore (2018), Louisiana, USA (https://events.interpore.org/event/2/contributions/828/contribution.pdf).

  9. He presented the work of “Multivariate exploratory analysis of dependencies between petrophysical properties and seismic attributes at well-logs scale” in the annual meeting of the Mexican Interpore Chapter (2017), Mexico city, Mexico (https://www.geologia.unam.mx/en/actividades/reunion-interpore ).

  10. He was coauthor of the work “Modelación estocástica conjunta usando cópulas de la dependencia entre propiedades petrofísicas y atributos sísmicos a escala de registros de pozo” which presented in the annual meeting of the Mexican Geophysical Union (2017), Jalisco, Mexico (https://www.raugm.org.mx/2017/ ).

  11. He presented the work of “Mineral Potential Mapping Of Mineral Deposits Of Sedex Type” in the VII Convention of Earth Sciences (2017), Habana, Cuba (http://www.cubacienciasdelatierra.com/en/general15 ).

  12. He was presented to 25 research events: Dept. of Mathematics (3), Dept. of Geology (2), Dept. of Language (2), Faculty of forestry and agronomy (3), Provincial, regional, national and international research (8), Research linked to practices (7), and obtained relevant prizes, outstanding prizes and mentions in the University of Pinar del Rio, Cuba (2009-2014).

Memberships in professional and honorary societies:

  1. He is a member and moderator of the Earth-Science Modeling Group (ESMG) (http://www.esmg-mx.org/).

  2. He is a member of the International Society for Porous Media (INTERPORE) (https://www.interpore.org/).

  3. He is a member of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM): SIAG on Uncertainty Quantification Membership and SIAM Activity Group on Data Science (https://www.siam.org/).

  4. He is a member of the Mexican Association of Exploration Geophysicists (AMGE).

  5. He was a member of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) (https://seg.org/).

  6. He was a member of the Cuban Society of Geology and his researchs is linked to the Center of Studies of Environment and Natural Resources and the Geology and the company EMINCAR about “Investigation Project for the search of the basic and values deposits in the west of Pinar del Rio”.


  1. He received a 5 and a half year scholarship (2015-2020) from the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) to complete his master’s and doctorate degrees at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

  2. He received a 6-year scholarship (2009-2014) from the Vietnamese and Cuban governments to complete his Bachilor degree in Cuba.

  3. He was a most outstanding student in the 5 years (2009-2014) in teaching, research and was an excellent foreign student in the University de Pinar del Río, Cuba. For this, the University gave him a scholarship to study in next level of Master or PhD.
  4. He was elected as International Delegate to the XVIII World Festival of Youth and Students in Quito, Ecuador (2013).

  5. He completed more than 21 award exams, in which he obtained 17 in first place and 4 in second place.

  6. He finished his studies with an average of 5.0 points (in scale of 5.0 points), a condition that he obtained the category in the Gold Title option.

  7. He obtained diplomas as a most integral outstanding student in the 5 years in teaching and research. He is also chosen as a integral foreigner at levels of brigade level, faculty level, university level and province level at the University of Pinar del Río “Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca” in Cuba.

  8. He obtained the 3rd place in the National Student Mathematics Olympiad which was held in Nha Trang, Vietnam. He had the highest score of his generation in his department at Hanoi University of Geology and Mining. Therefore, he was awarded a scholarship in Cuba by his high qualification.


• Geostatistics, processing of geophysical data, theory of geophysical inversion, electromagnetic methods, structural geology, tectonic plates, field geology, and sedimentary environments and processes. (one semester courses)

• Fundamentals of rock physics for the interpretation of properties from 3D seismic. (short course)

• The Fourth Edition of Guanajuato Uncertainty Quantification: Workshop on Inference and Quantification of Uncertainty in Science and Engineering problems (GUQ2019). (short course)

Visiting position:

2019-Now: Visiting scholar with Dr. Dario Grana on the topic “conducting research on Bayesian and geostatistical inversion”, Department of Geology and Geophysics, the University of Wyoming.


Vietnamese (native language)

Spanish: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking.

English: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking.

Computer skills

Linux, Latex, Python, R, MATLAB, Octave, SGEMS, GS+, Gslib, ArcGIS, Qgis, Surfer, Grapher, Petrel, OpendTect.